About Kalan Milley

North Shore born and bred Kalan has spent 10 years living in Yaletown and now calls the North Shore home once again. Living in the Edgemont community he is close to the shops of the Village and easily accessible to his clients in North and West Vancouver. On the rare days off you may see Kalan out on the soccer pitch coaching his son's U8 team, up on the local ski hills helping his son connect some turns, or out on his bike enjoying this incredible city. Find me in the Village supporting the locally run businesses and say hi!
  • Edgemont development projects

Edgemont Village Developments

Edgemont Village and Area Pre-Sale Developments. Keeping you up to date with new local condo projects. Nestled mid-way up Capilano Road you will find the quaint and picturesque Edgemont Village. Locals refer to it simply as The

Edgemont Village Shops

Edgemont Village bucks the Canadian norm with an unusually high percentage of women owning businesses in the area. Compared to the national average of 20%, North Vancouver's quaint and secluded community of Edgemont Village boasts an 80% female ownership. Edgemont